Towers after record win: “Don’t praise too much”

DThe Hamburg Towers want to keep the euphoria within bounds after their highest victory in the basketball Bundesliga. After the impressive 113:63 (58:33) against Hakro Merlins Crailsheim on Friday in front of 2414 spectators at home, professional Eddy Edigin emphasized: “We can’t praise ourselves too much after this win, we still have many important games ahead of us. »

In the fight for a playoff place, Hamburg was under pressure against a direct competitor. Especially since the Merlins clearly won in the first half of the season and in the end a direct comparison should have been tried. But led by Justus Hollatz and Jaylon Brown, who scored 23 of his 29 points before halftime, the Towers played themselves into a frenzy at times. “I don’t think you see such games very often in professional sports,” said Hollatz.

The Towers can take the next step towards the playoffs next Sunday (6 p.m.). Then the team at BG Göttingen will play for the next important points. Before that, however, there are still two European Cup games on the program.


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