Toros de Chiriquí lead undefeated Panamanian Basketball League U-21

The Valle de la Luna team defeated the Correcaminos de Colón on the last day.

After the first four games, the Toros de Chiriquí lead the Panamanian Basketball League, category U-21, which takes place at the Los Andes 2 sports complex.

The Bulls, current champions in this category, have a record of four wins without defeats.

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On the last date, held on Tuesday, the Bulls defeated the Correcaminos de Colón in a clash of undefeated 77-66 to establish themselves in first place in the table.

The most outstanding offensive player for the Toros de Chiriquí was Amílcar Sánchez, who scored 44 points, 9 rebounds and 2 recovered balls. The best offensive player for the Atlantic Coast team was Jhomar Garibaldi with 21 points, 9 rebounds and 3 assists.

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The Correcaminos de Colón are in second place with a 3-1 record, tied with Club Deportivo Panteras, which on the last date defeated Atlético Nacional of the National Police 63 – 57.

After Correcaminos and Panteras, Caballos de Coclé (2-2), Atlético Nacional and Dragones de Don Bosco (1-3) and Universitario de Panamá (0-4) continue in the standings.

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