Tiger Woods clarifies if he will play the Augusta Masters

The American Tiger Woods announced Tuesday that he plans to compete, starting Thursday, at the Augusta Masterstournament that would mean his return to the PGA Tour 14 months after having suffered a serious road accident.

“Right now, I think I’m going to play,” Tiger said at a press conference in Augusta.

Woods, who has been practicing for days in Augusta to find out if he was fit to compete, assured that he plans “play another nine holes” this Wednesday before making his decision. He also indicated that his recovery “went well”.

“I love to compete and I feel that if I can still compete at the highest levels, I’m going to do it. If I feel that I can win, I am going to compete. If I feel like I can’t win, you won’t see me there. I don’t show up to compete in an event if I don’t think I can win. This is the attitude I have,” he stated.

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The recovery of Tiger Woods

After the serious road accident suffered in February 2021, Tiger suffered fractures to the tibia and fibula of his right leg, in addition to injuries to the bones of his foot and ankle, injuries that kept him hospitalized for several days at the Harbor UCLA hospital of the Angels.

The 46-year-old athlete stressed that competing this year in Augusta represents “a different challenge” that he faced throughout his career and that he has learned to focus on what he needs to do depending on the moments of his life.

Last November, when remembering what he lived through, Woods acknowledged that there was a risk of losing a leg.

“I think a realistic thing for me is to play on the PGA Tour one day, but never full time, ever again. But yes, pick and choose a few tournaments a year ”, he then said in an interview.

“That’s how I think I’m going to play golf from now on. It’s an unfortunate reality but it’s my reality I understand and accept it”, added Woods, whose participation in the Masters has aroused great expectations.

With information from EFE.


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