The war drove Ukrainian footballer Shevchenko from home. He found a new one in Baník, Ostrava

The war drove Ukrainian footballer Shevchenko from home.  He found a new one in Baník, Ostrava

“I was born in Kiev, where I played for Dynamo U11. But when the war began, the training was canceled. My mother and sister and I had to hide in the anti-aircraft shelter for a few days because rockets were flying to Kiev, “says the young man in the club video.

The football player with his mother and sister fled through Moldova, Romania and Slovakia to the Czech Republic. “My mother wrote a letter to Baník and when we arrived, the next day I went to the first training. I got all the equipment and football boots, “he describes.

He was worried about his first training in an unfamiliar environment. “I realized that during the time when I could not train, I probably lost some form. But the coach told me I would catch up soon. And so it was. My teammates and coaches welcomed me very nicely. The Czechs are very friendly people, they welcome us very nicely everywhere, “confides Shevchenko.

Baník likened it to his parent club from the capital of Ukraine. “I like to train here, in Baník it is at the same high level as in Dynamo. I am very lucky to be here and I very much wish that my friends from Kiev, who are mostly also abroad, can continue to play football as I do, “says the young man.

The U11 team’s mining coaches are also happy with the reinforcement. “It simply came to our notice then. But he has already looked around, he is friendly, he understands his teammates, even though there is a bit of a language barrier between them. He is very aggressive and fast, “says Jiří Lébl, assistant coach of the U11 team, and adds with a smile that he doesn’t want to defend a newcomer in a mining jersey yet.” But we will teach him that, “he adds to the address trophy for second place in one of the tournaments.

“The coach gave me the cup we won. I am sure that one day Baník and I will win first place as well, “emphasizes the football player, who has already managed to attend the match of the first league Baník. does not hide that he was also impressed by Baník’s fans. “When I grow up, I want them to support me one day, too,” he wishes.


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