The Spanish Center took out a ticket and Roca spiced up the definition of the Federal League

The definition of the regular phase in the Patagonia Division of the Federal Basketball League it’s burning. while center Spanish (15-5) became the first classified straight to the playoffs Deportivo Roca (10-9) was left with an important victory that makes it spicy to the fight to keep the three remaining tickets.

In the temple, El Torito had his Easter celebration and climbed to the top of the table. Those led by Patricio Denegri imposed conditions and defeated Zorros de San Martín de los Andes 90-69 (2-16)which cannot get out of the background.

before his people, Spanish ratified what was done throughout the twenty games he played and achieved early qualification for the playoffs since Depo, which is in fifth place, will not be able to overcome it. Now the challenge will be to secure the first placement to have home court advantage in hand-to-hand definitions.

Mario Sepúlveda and Franco Leal, both with 16 points, were the top scorers del Torito in a game that he dominated from start to finish. Foxes tried to complicate the process of the meeting with the contribution of Thiago Serna19 units, but collided with the good defense of the premises and returned to be left empty-handed.

Deportivo Roca lowered Biguá and is excited about the playoffs

In the other meeting on Friday night, Deportivo Roca (10-9) took home plate, beat Biguá (13-8) by 79 to 68 in a very even game and keeps alive his illusion of getting into the top four in Patagonia.

In a direct duel in the fight to qualify for the next roundthose led by Sebastián García made a excellent job against one of the best teams in the regular phase to claim a key victory.

After three very close first quarters, Orange adjusted in defense in the last period, where they prevented their rival from scoring for five minutes, and even took a 16-point lead to head for a victory that leaves him expectantly in fifth position, very close to Petroleum (12-8).

One of the keys to Depo’s triumph was in the good scoring distribution, since five players scored more than ten points: Joaquín Cabre (19), Agustín Sánchez (17), Jorge Coronado (16), Facundo Troncoso (12) and Adolfo García Barros (12).

The classified, the escorts and what comes in the Federal League

In this way, Spanish became the first classified in Patagonia. Pérfora and Biguá occupy the next step, with 13 wins and 8 losseswhile a step Petroleum was left behind.

Roca will have the chance to get even closer to fourth place Sunday night, from 9:00 p.m., when they receive Pacifico (9-9) in another spicy duel. The Dean has no margin for error, while the Orange can further tighten the fight for the last ticket.

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