the Olympics do not relaunch Nevegal

BELLUNO – Auction deserted for thehotel Olivier di via Col de Gou sul Nevegàl: the base price falls from 2 million 175 thousand to 1 million 631 thousand euros. The associations active in the hamlet at the foot of the Visentin: «Let’s hope someone comes forward. Receptivity is important for the relaunch of the Colle ».


The auction was held two days ago, April 12, but no one appeared before the judge of the procedure Federico Montalto and the sales representative Marvin Talon. To be honest lots 2 and 4 were awarded for the minimum bid. There was one bidder for each lot and there was therefore no tender with subsequent raises. Therefore 12,881.25 euros for lot 2 (acquired by Giorgio Huber) and 6,018.75 euros for lot 4 (acquired by the Municipality of Belluno). None for the Olivier hotel, built on «4 floors above ground, in addition to the attic and the basement – as stated in the description of the property -, equipped with hydro-sanitary systems, electricity, heating and two lifts. In a reasonable state of maintenance. Base price: 2,175,000 euros “. With the Olympics just around the corner, it seems that some entrepreneurs are thinking of participating in the auction, but have not yet come forward. And so everything was postponed to July. The new auction date was already published yesterday: 07/26/2022 11.15 am. It starts with a minimum bid of € 1 million 223 thousand 437.50, on an auction basis of € 1,631,250.00 (appraisal value € 2 million and € 900 thousand).


For the associations that animate Nevegàl it is a pity that Olivier remains closed. Paolo Garaboni, from Nevegallika, is keen to underline «as we care about Nevegàl as a whole, hospitality is an important aspect for a locality. All the more if we remember how Olivier was the home of great sporting venues“. In fact, attracted by the Olivier brothers, many national teams from multiple sports disciplines passed through the hotel (who were doing retreats there). To remember that of rugby, (a very popular sport in those years) of skiing, archery, diving and many others, but also Serie A football teams: Inter arrived in 1981, the following year. having won the Scudetto. There is the photo of the team in front of the hotel with Anastasi, Prohasca, Baresi, Bergomi and the coach Bersellini, then Fiorentina, Bologna, Sampdoria, Ascoli, Verona, the youth teams of Inter and Milan arrived, then other Serie B and C teams without forgetting the first Soccer Schools that were born at Olivier from an offshoot of the Inter youth sector.


Even the Friends of Nevegàl say they are sorry for the deserted auction. «A relaunch also involves receptivity. The uncertain situation of the plants certainly did not give incentives to potential buyers but we are all confident that the situation will restart », says Tiziana Caldart. Finally, Belluno Alpina takes the opportunity for a broader discussion: “L’Olivier is positioned in an excellent area, an epicenter of the Colle suitable for sports activities, important competitions, but which can also be used by those who want to live a more ecological, naturalistic and uncontaminated. From there, in fact, there are routes that reach Valmorel. From the Colle we do not start only from the square, which is why, like Belluno Alpina, we insist on the concept of the pre-Alpine area “, affirm the association. There is also a passage for the satisfaction of the assignment of the second Urban Regeneration call, with which «the whole Colle can aspire to become more structured both for winter, but also for summer», says Belluno Alpina.


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