The Costa Brava takes another step back and loses by the minimum against Algeciras at home

With each passing week, salvation on the Costa Brava seems to be farther and farther away. Yesterday, the team took another step back in pursuit of this utopia. With a single goal, and from eleven meters, Algeciras had enough to take the three points from Girona and thus sink the Costa Brava to the penultimate position in the league.

The goal came from a penalty committed by Romero in the half hour of the match. Earlier, the locals did not disturb Tristan at any time. In fact, they did not do so throughout the confrontation, nor did they get close. Penitentiary offender Romero was substituted two minutes later. This would be the first change of the many made by an Oscar Alvarez who with these sought to shake the team. He didn’t get it. This defeat at home sinks a Costa Brava that remains in the penultimate position with 14 points less than Sevilla Atlético which is the one that marks the permanence.


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