The associations of Tréméven are preparing the Rias 2022 festival – Tréméven

The municipality of Tréméven will host three shows twice, on Friday August 26 and Saturday August 27, around the multipurpose room Espace Louis-Le Lann. The Telethon committee, the Équilibre et Loisirs Créatives associations, the judo club, the twinning committee, Tro Tremeven and the Amicale laïque, met on Thursday evening, April 7, in the hall of the town hall, at the invitation of Dominique Derrien, deputy mayor, in order to prepare these events.

“Everything will happen around the multipurpose hall, volunteers who wish to get involved can contact the associations”, underline the officials. The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 17 at 6:00 p.m.


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