supporters launch a petition against Carbonel’s departure to Montpellier

INFO FIGARO – The young Toulon opener, trained at the club, was pushed out by the Var leaders. The Minots de Mayol association intends to fight so that he does not ultimately leave for the MHR.

Louis Carbonel will no longer be from Toulon next season. The talented and young opener (23) has signed a pre-contract for the Montpellier club. Pushed out by the management of the Var club who accuses him of having led the revolt against the previous manager, Patrice Collazo. Who, ironically, has since been landed and replaced by Franck Azéma who has put the RCT back on the path to success.

The departure of the child from the club is heartbreaking for the supporters who also wanted Collazo to leave. So they are launching, this Wednesday morning, a petition to try to influence Bernard Lemaitre, the president of the RCT, to push him to buy back the pre-contract at the MHR.

«Louis was to be a timeless symbol of the pennant stricken with lily of the valley, as Jérôme Gallion, Éric Champ, Christian Carrère and many others were before him, underline the “fadas” of the Rade club. Because he is the future great opener that we have been waiting for so much, that we have seen grow up and win all the trophies: minimal French champion, crabos, hope, double U20 world champion. »

«”P’tit Louis” has the Rouge et Noir in its guts…»

For them, the son of Alain Carbonel, three-quarter center sacred champion of France with the RCT in 1987, has, like his father “the Red and Black in the depths of the guts». «There are players that you can’t imagine in another jersey. ”P’tit Louis” is one of them. He seems to have unforgivable wrongs in the eyes of the club’s management. If his crime is to have forcefully expressed his discomfort or his fed up with a club under the leaden screed of a manager who has since landed, well he took it. Who would deny the revival since? (…) In the age of rugby business, symbols have a meaning. The sense of attachment and belonging as well. And the flavor won’t be quite the same if his replacement is a hastily parachuted New Zealander.»

The supporters do not hide the ambition of this petition. Collect as many signatures as possible. “If there is a slim hope of pushing the club’s management to question its choice, let’s dare to seize this opportunity. (…) We hope that the Presidency will not forget that a rugby club has no economic viability without its supporters, without the passion that drives them and without the strong identification they have with their team, their players.»


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