Starting today, the best of Cuban men’s judo is shown in Cárdenas

Cárdenas, Matanzas, Apr 8 (ACN) The main exponents of judo in Cuba, in the men’s branch, will participate from today until next Saturday in the national championship of this sport, which has already settled the competition between women in the Antonio Nores gym , in this city.

In the event, which serves as preparation for the Pan-American of America and Oceania, scheduled to take place from the 15th to the 17th of this month in Lima, Peru, the presence of the nine figures who were on tour in Europe is predicted, among them Iván F. Silva and Andy Granda, medalists at the recent Grand Slam in Antalya, Turkey.

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Amaury Mendive Piedra, national methodologist of the discipline, declared exclusively to the Cuban News Agency that around 90 athletes representing all the provinces of the country must participate, in what without a doubt must constitute a show of high qualitative level.

Since the previous Sunday, the national judo began with the fights between women, in which the Artemisa team dominated by provinces, with two golds, one silver and two bronzes, escorted by Santiago de Cuba (1-1-5 ) and Holguin (1-1-0).

Other territorial teams that managed to add some metal were Havana (1-0-2), Matanzas (1-0-1), Guantánamo (1-0-0), Camagüey (0-1-1), Granma, Pinar del Río and Sancti Spíritus (0-1-0), in addition to Las Tunas (0-0-1).

Unlike the men’s sector, the women’s championship was held in the absence of eight of the main figures of the national team, including the Olympic and world champion, Idalys Ortiz (+78), from Artemisa, due to a tour of training and competitions in Europe.


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