Scheida manages the perfect start in Düsseldorf

U16 juniors from JC Wermelskirchen impress at top-class events.

Finally competitions again. Finally serious sporting clashes again. The judo youth of the JC Wermelskirchen enjoyed the weekend in Düsseldorf and Duisburg, where the best U16 fighters in Germany went on the mat. They also included seven young JCW athletes.

The only male athlete was Julius Glaser, who traveled to the Ruhr area with his coach Sven Dicke. The competition in Duisburg did not turn out to be a success story for him. In the class up to 46 kg he suffered two defeats after two wins.

The Wermelskirchen delegation was represented in the state capital with a female sextet. Carolin Scheida (up to 36 kg) got off to a perfect start – she won all four fights and brought home gold. In the class up to 44 kg, Ida von Grünberg was eliminated from the consolation round due to injury. Previously she had shown that she can fight at this level. Hannah Glauner can look back on great performances in the identical weight class. The “little baby” of the six Wermelskirchen athletes won three times, lost the semifinals and had to admit defeat in the fight for third place after eight minutes of fighting on the ground.

After a strong start with two victories Mayla Guhlich seemed to be able to do something in the class up to 48 kg. Two defeats later, she left the tournament with her head held high. A vaccination the day before had had a negative effect – she wasn’t as fit as usual.

Emma Becker makes the JCW attachment cheer

Even in the class up to 52 kg things got down to business. Manon Dörner was determined to gain important experience. That succeeded. On the other hand, Emma Becker was involved in the front field and was finally able to look forward to a much acclaimed bronze medal. In the fight for third place, she got revenge against an athlete from Großhadern for a defeat two weeks ago in Backnang. on


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