Sakura Judo Ponte San Giovanni, a medal last weekend

Sakura Judo Ponte San Giovanni, a medal last weekend

It was a weekend that will surely enter the annals of the history of Sakura Judo Ponte San Giovannni, a weekend in which the company founded by Maestro Roberto Sabatini collected medal and acclaim in the Serie A2 Fijlkam Italian Cup, which took place in Host.

The team from Ponteggiano, who wore the Cus Perugia jersey on the occasion, even if with some defections compared to their qualified players, did not spare emotions. On Sunday, the bronze medal (the only one of the Umbrian athletes competing in the two days) arrived, touched on Saturday instead.

Federica Faraone took it to Ponte San Giovanni with an almost flawless race: after the first round, she was defeated by the future silver medal, and then immediately recovered in the repechage and in the final for third place, winning both matches with wisdom and attention, and conquering, in addition to the third step of the podium, also access to the final of the A1 series in June.

On Saturday, however, it was the turn of the boys to get on the mat and get a lot of positive acclaim, with an excellent fifth place for Michele Baldassarri, who after passing the first round, regulated three opponents, before giving up in the semifinals and in the final for the bronze, but still taking home the qualification for the A1 series and an excellent performance after two years of absence from Fijlkam competitions. Good performances also for Salvatore Pugliese who with two victories (defeated only by the first and third classified) has signed an excellent tenth place, given that he gave a weight category and was among the youngest in his class.

Only one match won for Francesco Brunori, who, due to an unexpected stop during the preparation phase, was unable to reach the best of the competition, but nevertheless proved to be ready for the next matches. Great satisfaction for all the staff led by the master Sabatini for a historic result and never achieved by the Ponteggiana company that works hard for the growth of its athletes day after day, with particular attention to the female group of JuDonna together with Letizia Mencarelli, and everything the corporate staff made up of the president Daniele Calzoni, Roberto and Federico Sabatini, Andrea and Antonio Liotta, Gianni and Roberto Mastriforti, Michele Baldassarri and Luciano Todini.


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