RVS / LU and Jelgava volleyball players will meet in the final of the Latvian championship / Article

RVS / LU beat “Riga Stradins University” https://news.google.com/ “Minus Volleyball School” (RSU / MVS) volleyball players with 3-0 (29:27, 25:21, 25:12).

Kristīne Kramēna won 20 points in the ranks of the winners, three of them from the service line. Lāsma Ozola scored 12 points and Adelīna Gerliņa scored 11 points.

Opponents Magija Drambehte scored 14 points and Annie Jurža ten points.

In the second semi-final, “Jelgava” defeated the team of the “University of Latvia” (UL) with 3-1 (25:18, 25:14, 24:26, 25:20).

Līga Petuhova and Liene Šimkuse scored 21 points for the housewives, but Krista Paegle and Līva Bredika scored 11 points.

Monta Urbāne excelled in the ranks of the University of Latvia, who accumulated nine of his 16 points in the block. Yelizaveta Morozova scored 13 points.

The game for the first and third place will be held on Sunday in Jelgava.

Last season, the Jelgava volleyball players were crowned Latvian champions, beating RVS / LU 2-1 in the final series.

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