Riccardo Milani, husband Paola Cortellesi / “I risk divorce with every film, because …”

Director Riccardo Milani, husband of Paola Cortellesi, gave an interview to the microphones of the “Corriere della Sera”, in which he talked about his relationship with his wife and his career. Behind the camera, Milani tells the Italy he doesn’t like, because – in his own words – he prefers to address a large audience, tell those who don’t think like him, maybe stories of normal people who do horrible things in everyday life like the headlights to warn you that there is a speed camera: “I try to talk to people, if they stop, if they don’t get the bar out. I saw one open the trunk, take one baseball bat and smash a windshield: it’s a real scene, put in ‘Like a cat on the ring road’ “.

At the cinema with “Corro da te”, a very successful film at the box office and starring two acting stars such as Pierfrancesco Favino and Miriam Leone, Riccardo Milani remembers how the film also features the actress Piera Degli Espostimissed a few months ago: “We worked a lot together. We loved each other, he always came to Dacia Maraini in Pescasseroli, I also have a house there. I brought her zucchini from the garden, she told wonderful jokes. Lately, she had two tubes in her nose for oxygen and she says to me: in your opinion, can I be an actress like this? I replied: you are Piera Degli Esposti, you can do whatever you want. She could only act seated, with her tubes, but in the film there is a scene where everyone is dancing and, when I gave the engine, she suddenly got up and danced “.


At the “Corriere della Sera”, Riccardo Milani revealed what his first set was: “I read that Carlo Vanzina he started out as a volunteer assistant. So I went to knock on Monicelli’s camper and proposed myself as a volunteer assistant. After months, she took me for ‘Let’s hope she’s female’. I went, he gave no directions on anything, you had to make yourself useful in any way, bringing coffee, stopping traffic, helping train drivers, electricians “.

Riccardo Milani has two grown-up daughters and one, nine years old, with Paola Cortellesi. Their first meeting? “For ‘The place of the soul’ I wanted a strong protagonist, who leaves the village to look for work. It was a more dramatic film than others and I also needed a melancholy look. I had seen her doing funny things on TV, but I felt something bitter about her. I saw her at the house of Gianni Morandi, was rehearsing a show in the garden. She was wearing sandals, she arrived sweaty, with dirt on her feet. He pretends to get angry if I tell it “. Paola says: “When we write a screenplay, we are one step away from divorce because we even argue about commas”. Riccardo Milani does not deny: “A little bit is true. The other two screenwriters say we look like Casa Vianello “.



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