Ralf Rangnick becomes ÖFB trainer: Zwickt’s mi in Wangerl – Sport

The gentlemen in the conference room of a Viennese hotel on Friday afternoon seemed a little surprised by themselves. Gerhard Milletich, President of the Austrian Football Association, said the name of the new ÖFB team boss so quickly, out of sheer nervousness, that he was introduced as “Ralframnik” at this celebratory moment. And sports director Peter Schöttel, visibly touched by the importance of the press conference, could not emphasize enough that a few weeks ago, in fact probably a few days ago, it was “impossible” to even imagine that Ralf Rangnick would be able to play from June holds the most important coaching position in Austrian football.

Austria has been tweaking since Delivery man already reported in advance of Rangnick’s decision for Austria, a bit in his own cheek about the commitment of such an important coach. Few thought it possible that someone who just played 1-1 against Chelsea at Old Trafford on Thursday evening with a goal by Cristiano Ronaldo would soon be answering questions on the ORF microphone – apparently not even those who signed Rangnick.

In any case, Schöttel reported that he had him in the back of his mind from the start, but didn’t call him first, but dealt with the usual suspects: Peter Stöger and Vladimir Petkovic, and of course Andreas Herzog was also in the running. But then Schöttel got his phone number from Christoph Freund, sports director at RB Salzburg and therefore well acquainted with Rangnick. Although he wasn’t convinced that Rangnick could be interested in Austria’s task: “I was really wrong about that,” said Schöttel now.

In Austria, Rangnick starts a project that is not at all dissimilar to that of Manchester United

Because Rangnick definitely wants to be a national coach for at least two years. If Austria qualifies for the EM 2024, the contract is automatically extended. The tournament in Germany is one of the factors that make the project attractive for Rangnick. He wasn’t convinced “with money” but “with atmosphere,” said Schöttel. It is also important that the ÖFB allows Rangnick to stay with Manchester United as a part-time job from June. Together with the new head coach Erik ten Hag, he wants to conceptually push the reconstruction of United as a sporting consultant. And until May 22, he will remain interim coach for the English team, only then will he deal with the (shoulder) depths of Austro football. It was all a “creative solution,” it said.

In Austria, Rangnick starts a project that is not at all dissimilar to the one in Manchester: a squad with high individual quality is available, but the whole thing doesn’t always work as an ensemble; in the background everyone thinks they know everything better – and there is no structural long-term planning. Rangnick should now deliver that – with talented Austrians, many of whom he knows from his time at Red Bull. From 2012 on he founded the RB success model of modern times in Salzburg. That is why Rangnick still enjoys a very good reputation in Austria, especially in professional circles.

However, his first task before the Nations League games in June against Croatia, Denmark and France should be expectation management. On Friday, when the person presented was not even there, there was talk of a “spirit of optimism”. The last search in Austrian football was in vain.


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