Puerto Plata Baseball starts on Sunday

Manuel Frías President of the Baseball Association with the manager of the participating teams. External source.

Puerto Plata: With a special dedication to the Administrative and Financial Vice Minister of the Presidency, Mr. Igor Rodríguez Duran, this Sunday, April 10, will be inaugurating the 1st season of the Puerto Plata Superior Baseball League, with the participation of 6 teams.

The teams to participate are: The San Marcos Indians, Casa Linda Titans (Bello Costero), Montellano Cañeros, University Gladiators, Altamira Baseball Club and the Guananico Cowboys.

In the opening match next Sunday the 10th, the Champion of the past Double A, Indios de San Marcos, will be facing the Sub-Champion Titans of Casa Linda.

The Puerto Plata Superior Baseball League is the transformation of the last Double A Baseball Cup, held in the middle of last year; and seeks, like its predecessor, to reach every corner of the province in the future, with the intention of continuing to create franchises in superior baseball in the different municipalities of the Province of Puerto Plata.

It is important to recognize that Double A will become a U20 category, which will allow the development of players between 16 and 20 years old; leaving Superior Baseball, as the highest category in the province.

Each team will have a general roster of 35 players, where they will be able to activate 25 to 26 of them per game. To these is added 1 manager and 3 coaches, being able to raise the number of the coaching staff to 6 members.

The 1st season will last approximately four months starting this April and carrying the actions until Saturday, August 6, where the last game of the Final Series of this event would be taking place; where the Regular Series will have a total of 30 games (10 for each team), the Round Robin will have a total of 6 games (3 for each qualified team) and the Final Series will be the best of 5 games.

The regular series will be held in the towns of Altamira, Guananico, San Marcos, Montellano and in the main municipality, especially in the José Briceño Stadium. And the Round Robin, like the Final Series, will be held at the José Briceño. It is important to know that all games will start at 1:30 in the afternoon in all locations where Superior Baseball will be taking place and will be played on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the event.

At the José Briceño stadium, RD$50.00 pesos per person will be charged and all boys and girls will enter totally free at all stages of the event.

Before starting the Round Robin, the celebration of the awarding of the Individual Leaders of the event is planned, which will bring eye-catching to this first edition.


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