Presidential: former rugby player Frédéric Michalak supports his sister “veiled by choice” and calls to block the RN

Two days before the second round of the presidential election, which will oppose outgoing President Emmanuel Macron to the candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen, a new personality from the world of sport wanted to make his voice heard. Thursday evening, the former star of the XV of France Frédéric Michalak posted a message on his Twitter account, castigating Marine Le Pen’s proposal to ban the wearing of the veil in public space if she were to be elected president.

In his tweet, the former rugby player addresses in particular his sister, who wears the veil: “My little sister born in France, I love you, I am sad to see that you would not be free in your own country to live your faith. Free, veiled by choice, and helping the poorest every day! Shame on you the National Rally! “At the end of this message, the 39-year-old former sportsman, now an entrepreneur, explicitly calls for a vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron on Sunday.

On April 12, the former opening half of Stade Toulousain had already called for a dam on the far right in a forum published in our columns, alongside former swimmer Alain Bernard, footballer Dimitri Payet, boxer Tony Yoka and judoka Clarisse Agbégnénou. “We, French sportsmen and women from all walks of life and all disciplines, cannot imagine that this historic moment is marked with the seal of a far-right presidency”, could we read in particular in this forum.


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