Pau Garnica fell in his first fight, in Peru – El Sol de Hidalgo

Hidalgo judoka Paulina Garnica Nochebuena did not have a pleasant result in her debut at the Pan American and Oceania Judo Championship, in the Senior category, which takes place in Lima, Peru, as she fell in her debut against Argentine Brisa Gómez.

The pachuqueña presented herself to the contest in Inca lands with the intention of adding experience in the face of what will be her process to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, but she was faced with a pampera that resisted the attacks and knew how to attack at the right time.

The confrontation was rough from the beginning, as Garnica began very aggressively, which led her to be reprimanded a couple of times before the first two minutes of the fight.

From then on, Gómez’s sleight of hand did not help Garnica to impose her authority, and the Argentine also increased the intensity, in such a way that she was also warned on a couple of occasions.

The fight had to go to the golden point, because the confrontation was very even.

It was in this phase that Garnica faltered for moments, and just 24 seconds into the round, she was blocked by her right foot, which triggered an ippon in favor of Argentina.

You may also like: Paulina Garnica with her sights on Pan American

After this result, Gómez agreed to the final of key D, against the American Mariah Holguín, an opponent who also beat her by ippon.


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