Nuoro, a youth football match ends 40-0: the FIGC moves

Humiliating defeat

– The spotlight on this story is “La Nuova Sardegna”. The two matches were played in the provincial championship at the very young of the Nuoro FIGC committee. First the kids of La Caletta lose 22-0 against the Wolves. Then, again La Caletta takes the field away from home against Fanum Orosei with ten players, all rookies, therefore smaller than their opponents, and comes out with the disconcerting score of 40 goals to zero.

Sport and education

– A result that is sensational and that opens strong doubts on the value of sport, especially when middle school kids go to the pitch. “One cannot accept such a thing – Luigi Secci, former president of the FIGC Nuoro, told Corriere della Sera -. Soccer schools are opened, youth tournaments are organized to educate young people to respect. Not to humiliate them”.

A question of goal difference

– Everything is linked to the fact that, in the last two days, La Caletta has faced the top two teams in the standings, which “on its skin” were playing for first place. Here is explained the goal of Fanum: they needed as many goals as possible to get the better of the general goal difference and therefore overcome the opposing team.


– On the other hand, the anomalies in the management of this shock game immediately jumped to the eye. Like the excuses made in advance by Fanum to the opponents and the post published on Facebook the day before the match, again by Fanum, to call all the supporters to come and support the boys, who should have scored as much as possible for go overhead.

Goleade and teased

– The effects on the children humiliated with the two goleade have already been felt: the teasing in the village and at school was too heavy and some of them left the team. Again the former FIGC Secci specifies: “Whoever is stronger must not be ashamed, it is right that he wins. But it is the rule that must be changed”. That goal difference rule that put the best in the position of having to score an avalanche of goals in order to win first place.

Figc: “Very serious, first of all we are educators”

– The case has ended up on Cadoni’s table, who is thinking of invoking the Federal Prosecutor’s Office to open an investigation to ascertain the facts. In that case, club presidents and coaches will be summoned to explain how things went. “All this is very serious – he says -. At these levels sport must go beyond the result, it must be lived in a playful way. Respect, fun and culture must come first. scored 40 goals. Legitimate to want to win but there is a limit to everything, regardless of the rules. Maybe it was time to stop. We are educators, first of all “.

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