NFL: Little interest in first overall pick


Although the Jacksonville Jaguars look set to trade the first overall pick of the 2022 draft, interest is low from the other 31 NFL teams.

“We are ready to listen [les offres]but no one calls, “admitted the general manager of the Floridian formation Trent Baalke, Friday, in a press conference.

The little discussion for the first choice in total can be explained by the group of quarterbacks, considered weaker than in previous years and even estimated lower than that of the next auction, in 2023.

The Jaguars, for their part, have found their man of confidence behind the center in 2021, they who had set their sights on Trevor Lawrence with the very first choice in total. It is not the pivots whose names have been closely linked to the “Jags”, but rather those of the trench players.

Prior to the free agent period, offensive linemen Evan Neal and Ikem Ekwonu were tipped as two strong candidates to hear their names upfront. concession player to Cam Robinson, in addition to agreeing on the terms of a contract with Brandon Scherff. Since then, defensive linemen Aidan Hutchinson and Travon Walker have become two of the favorites to hear their names in the first row of the auction. Baalke also said that four athletes are still considered by the staff.

“It’s still in the works,” he said of the final decision.

“We still have several meetings planned, a lot of discussions within the group of coaches, members of staff, we will continue our research on these guys. The choice does not have to be made now. We are ahead in our preparation compared to last year.”

Barring a trade, the Jaguars will reveal the identity of the first overall pick on April 28. The amateur auction will continue for the next two days, with rounds two through seven.


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