New success of AD CURA MORA

This weekend the final phase of the 2nd division club league was played in La Nucía (Alicante), clubs from the 6 groups of the 2nd division were fighting this weekend for promotion to the 1st division.

The CURA MORA started as the head of the series as the winner in his group. In the group stage they beat the BADMINTON PALENCIA club by a result of 6-1 and the CB ALFAJARÍN by a result of 7-0, with these results they managed to pass the groups and with it, the goal of promotion, but the competition had not finished , by going as the top seed, CURA MORA had the reward of going directly to the semifinals where they would face CB SHUTTLE LA NUCÍA, a local team and one of the favorite teams to win the competition, who they won by a result of 4 -0 getting the pass to the final.

In the final they faced CLUB SAN FERNANDO VALENCIA B, it was a beautiful and intense final in which either of the two teams could have won. With a tie at 3 on the scoreboard, the final was decided in the women’s singles match, in which CURA MORA ended up losing in the 5th set by two points difference. Finally they were in a deserved 2nd place and achieving the goal of promotion to the 1st division of the club league.


We want to congratulate the players, Ana Calero, María González, Mariela Vázquez, Lluvia Iglesias, Simón González, Jaime Jiménez and Daniel Morcuende, as well as the coaches Manuel Caperote and David Cerrato and the delegates Belén and Arantxa. On the other hand, we also want to congratulate the rest of the players who have been part of the team and on this occasion could not attend the competition.

We also want to thank the Hon. Villanueva de la Vera City Council and the Excellency Diputación de Cáceres for their collaboration and help, as well as the Junta de Extremadura for their recognition and all those who make the realization of this project possible.


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