Sport continues to evolve with trends and aspirations, and the Olympic Games have understood this well. Thus, six new sports and disciplines are preparing to make a sensational entry into the program of the Summer Olympic Games: 3×3 basketball; BMX freestyle; breaking; sport climbing; skateboarding and surfing. The exhibition “Riding the Olympic Wave” which has just been inaugurated at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne offers an opportunity to discover these six sports and disciplines as well as their evolution over time. Through a rich journey combining audio-video installations, photographs, texts and sports equipment, the exhibition highlights the social, cultural and artistic contexts in which these six sports disciplines develop. A new Olympic wave to discover until March 2023.


Two years ago, five new sports disciplines were officially integrated into the program of the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo: 3×3 basketball; skateboarding; surf ; climbing and BMX freestyle. These sports will make their return at the next Summer Games organized in Paris in 2024, when breaking (or breakdance) will make its very first appearance. These sports, which contrast with the traditional Olympic disciplines, come to breathe new life into this historic sporting competition long considered outdated and too elitist by the new generations boosted by adrenaline and audacity. By adding to its official program these explosive sporting activities which were hitherto considered too “urban” for official Olympic competition, the IOC wishes to evolve and adapt to the aspirations of today’s society in search of creativity and thrills.

OKAMOTO, Misugu (JPN). Skateboard Park Femmes, Tokyo 2020. © 2021 / International Olympic Committee (IOC) / EVANS, Jason – All rights reserve


The visit to the “Riding the Olympic Wave” exhibition starts around the central staircase where a video installation highlights these new disciplines while the windows of the railing have been tagged by the graffiti artist Serval. Once in the exhibition hall, the visitor has the pleasure of discovering a didactic and interactive tour which highlights the evolution of the Olympic Games and the advent of these six new sports. On the program, photos and video installations retrace the history and the transformation of these disciplines, while information panels allow you to become familiar with the issues and values ​​of the Olympic Games. As a bonus, several mythical objects that belonged to athletes are presented, a bit like the Hard Rock Café, as well as works of art created especially for the occasion by local artists from the sports cultures being honored. in the exhibition. Ready to ride this wave?


Until March 5, 2023
Olympic Museum
Quai d’Ouchy 1
1006 Lausanne