Miryang City Hall badminton team, runner-up in the men’s team event for the federation president

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Won first place in the National University Unemployment Badminton Championship for the Federation President

Miryang City Hall badminton team, runner-up in the men's team event for the federation president
The Miryang City Hall team took the runner-up. *Resale and DB prohibited

[밀양=뉴시스] Reporter Ji-yul Ahn = The badminton team from Miryang City Hall, Gyeongnam announced on the 28th that they had won the men’s general team team event at the ‘2022 Federation President’s National University Unemployment Badminton Championships.

The tournament runs smoothly for 8 days from the 26th to the 3rd of May, with a total of 60 teams and 429 national college and business players participating at the Miryang Badminton Stadium.

The city hall badminton team (Director Son Seung-mo) played a fierce battle against the ROK Army Athletic Unit in the men’s general team final on the 28th, but unfortunately lost 3-1 and took the runner-up place.

The team event winners went to Incheon University in the women’s college division, Wonkwang University in the men’s college division, Gimcheon City Hall in the women’s general division, and the Armed Forces Athletic Corps in the men’s general division.

Park Young-soo, head of the Sports Promotion Division, said, “This is a great opportunity to watch the high-quality performances of professional elite players.

Meanwhile, the city has been successfully operating a badminton-only stadium of internationally recognized standards by hosting a number of national and international competitions since it was completed in 2016. Through this, the image as a badminton mecca city is being promoted nationwide.

☞ Empathy Media News [email protected] <저작권자ⓒ 공감언론 뉴시스통신사. 무단전재-재배포 금지.>

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