Middle school shines at the provincial cross-country championships

Other than recreation-style gymnastics hour. The schools of Gussago are proving to be the forge of athletic champions of the future. The value of the qualified physical education training offer is reflected in the competitive results in the provincial cross-country run phase of the Student Championships, staged in San Polo. The boys of the average “Angelo Venturelli” have obtained prestigious laurels. On an individual level, a gold medal in the women’s category and a bronze one in the first class category, and a 13th place in the men’s category. In the Cadette segment, the school achieved a fifth and a thirteenth place. A silver, a fifth and a seventh place the balance in the Cadet category. In the team rankings the average celebrates gold among the Boys and Cadets, a fourth place in the Cadets and a sixth place among the Girls. In each category, over 100 children were competing, representing 25 schools. The athletes wanted to dedicate these victories to comrade Bryan, who recently passed away. The next engagements will be the provincial Badminton championships in Folzano and the track athletics championships.


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