Masters Augusta 2022: Jon Rahm finds peace in Augusta

Jon Rahm asks that the light bulb be removed that hits him full in the face on Tuesday morning at Augusta National, the scene of the Masters, where he arrived on Sunday. Golfer by race, his version of father and a half – his wife will soon give birth to a second child – in the most special big due to its characteristics (the only one with permanent headquarters, the one that makes you wait nine months…) It is very different from other editions.

“Well, it has little to do with last year, when I arrive on Tuesday night and with barely time to play nine holes on Wednesday after being a father”, he recalls calmly, in a low voice. “This year I have been at home practicing. It is true that the greens in Arizona were fast, but with a different type of grass, but I feel good”, he says after playing 9 holes on Tuesday. As he did on Monday and will do on Wednesday. He did it with Sergio García.

Practice in Augusta is worth doing. Although it is played every year on the same stage, any minor changes are intentional. This year they have touched the 11th and 15th holes appreciably, but Jon also discovers others, almost imperceptible at first sight. “Changes in the small greens, which from year to year respond differently than they did last year.”

The golfer who will try from Thursday will be the fourth Spanish who wins the green jacket – “it’s curious that I’m the only major winner who hasn’t won the Spanish Masters” – has become more interior. He talks about his family, about the importance of traveling with Kelley and Kepa, about the need to stay home -“I no longer think about going out to a nice place for dinner after a lap, but about going home and resting because Kepa can wake up at any time” – although without losing the competitive hunger. “The pressure is put on by each one”, he warns him for whom he believes that having given the number 1 a couple of weeks ago to Scottie Scheffler has relaxed him. “When I was number 2 they always told me that if I won such a tournament, I would be number 1. And it’s the same thing. That’s something about journalists. I only think about winning. And yes, if I win on Sunday, then I’ll get my number back.” 1,” says the golfer who plays for “glory and not money. I’ve never hit a shot thinking: if I don’t do it right, I’ll lose this or that money.”

And he remembers again that what fatherhood has given him It’s a simple thing: “Whether I play well or badly, I don’t think about finishing the round of golf. It’s seeing Kepa and I disconnect”. So don’t waste a second in the stat book reflecting that he is the only player to have four consecutive top 10 finishes at the Masters in the last four editions and also the 2021 golfer who was able to finish in the top eight at Masters. the entire Grand Slam.


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