Luis Díaz wins the award for the best goal of March in Liverpool

Second consecutive prize in Liverpool. In February he had also won the best goal of the month after his goal against Norwich City. Now, in March he was once again chosen by the club’s official website after his goal against Brighton. “A brave header from Luis Diaz after a superb assist from Matip,” he posted.

Luis Díaz beat the goal of Max Woltman, under 23 of Liverpoolthat of Diogo Jota and Roberto Firmino against Arsenal and that of Minamino against Norwich City. The Colombian’s two goals have been nominated for their quality.

This was Diaz’s goal and Klopp’s praise

The peasant started against Brighton and in the 19th minute he opened the scoring after a masterful assist from Matip, Díaz accelerated, anticipated the goalkeeper and headed straight for the goal, however, Robert Sánchez could not stop and took the Colombian in a strong shock who had to be treated by the medical body. There was concern, but in the end he was able to get up to give everyone peace of mind.

Klopp praised his goal and the way he anticipated the goalkeeper. “He did what a striker had to do. It was spectacular enough at first. Going in there with his head was really brave. A great goal”, he stated.


After the failure in Selection, Luis Díaz is now preparing for the objectives of the season with Liverpool. Fight Premier League and fight for Champions League.


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