Live. Archery: Logan Do Brito crowned regional champion

Live.  Archery: Logan Do Brito crowned regional champion

Competitors from the Compagnie des archers have not been idle at the end of winter, presenting themselves in the various halls of the region. Aurélie Autret won the indoor competition in Soumoulou (Pyrénées-Orientales).

Then, Aurélie took part in the 22nd edition of the international indoor shooting tournament in Nîmes (Gard). Three days of competition during which she rubbed shoulders, for her first year in the senior category, with the greatest archers in the world.

Despite a nice course, the level was a little too high for the young archer. Reaching the round of 16, she lost her duel 6/2 against a representative of the French team, Audrey Adiceom, and nevertheless finished her competition in a superb 17th place. Maybe a rematch next time…

At the Occitanie youth championship, in Muret (Haute-Garonne), in addition to the fine course of Léo Dumez, a newcomer to the club which we have echoed, let us highlight Lauryne Goncalvès and Logan Do Brito.

First regional title for Viviézois boys

Both had magnificent eliminations and qualified easily.

Unfortunately, Lauryne could not make it to the final phase, because she had contracted the Covid.

On the other hand, Logan Do Brito won his first regional crown, which is also the first regional title won by the Vivienne club for boys.

Logan thus continues his good series, after excellent results obtained throughout the year 2021, while confirming his good dispositions in a demanding discipline: barebow shooting. Moreover, Stéphanie Pichon represented the Compagnie des archers du Bassin at the indoor competition in Cahors. Stéphanie took the second step of the podium. Good job to everyone.


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