Left after resignation in deep crisis: “Some have lost all contact with the reality of normal people” – politics

Who can save the left now? Silence on the other end of the line. “If I only knew”, “incredibly difficult”, “we are in the deepest crisis in our party’s history”, are the answers when you speak to party experts.

In a phase in which, given record rents, fear of poverty, high inflation and a spiral of rearmament, classic left-wing issues could be booming, the left as a party is in danger of sinking into insignificance.

After the resignation of Susanne Hennig-Wellsow, co-chairman Janine Wissler wants to lead the party alone for the time being – this immediately leads to the next grumbling in the party.

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Hennig-Wellsow, a confidant of Thuringia’s Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow, gives up in exasperation, while Wissler continues in her Hessian state association despite a sexism scandal.

Shaking heads about Janine Wissler

“No one understands that anymore,” says a party strategist. The “Spiegel” had revealed spicy details about Wissler’s partner at the time, who is said to have repeatedly had sex with an underage left-wing politician and put her under pressure;

Wissler was in contact with the victim – she is accused of having swept the allegations of abuse of power and sexual abuse under the carpet. But their chances of a longer future at the top of the party are assessed internally as low. A new leadership is to be elected at the party conference in Leipzig in June.

Hennig-Wellsow and Wissler were only elected the first female dual leadership at the end of February 2021, they were unable to provide any real impetus, disputes and hatred in the party continued to increase, and there were also television appearances, some of which failed, which revealed deficits in content; Hennig-Wellsow could not say which foreign missions the Bundeswehr is in – which the left, as is well known, rejects.


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