In the south of Cher, the “J’vive le sport en famille” scheme introduces children and parents to sports

In front of the Le Bergerat accommodation center in Vesdun, around fifteen people, children and parents, met at 10 a.m. on Saturday at the city-stadium behind the establishment. A small meeting for a first: that of the device “J’vive le sport en famille”, set up by Cher Emploi Animation, in collaboration with the community of communes Berry Grand Sud (BGS).

More than practice, inclusion through sport

Andres Torres, animator for BGS, explains: “These sports mornings are open to everyone, from the age of six, explains . Every Saturday morning, registrants will be able to discover a new sport. Among which: basketball, archery, athletics and badminton. All this around four municipalities: Châteaumeillant, Vesdun, Culan and Châtelet. The primary objective is to revitalize the territory, and for people to come out of a complicated context after two years. »

On the ground, the workforce is divided into two. The confirmed, licensed from the local basketball club, and the neophytes.

For her part, Valérie, a medico-psychological assistant at the Bergerat home, came to accompany and support two boarders.

“These are young people who work and who are disabled. For them, a date like this allows them to meet other people. With sport, we talk about inclusion, because there are no barriers. And usually, when they participate in such schemes, the feedback is often very good! »

On the other half-court, some are discovering basketball for the first time. “Among beginners, I try to teach them as many things as possible, at least what I can, smiles Rémy Julien, versatile sports animator for Cher Emploi Animation. “J’vive le sport” aims to get people moving in rural areas. »

Sobhanallah, a 28-year-old Afghan refugee, follows an internship with the Solidarity Gardeners in the marshes of Bourges

A device enjoying a more significant investment for sport than in the cities. “In rural areas, there are perhaps fewer tools available to people,” continues the facilitator. They are therefore more voluntary. And it gets the whole family moving. »

This is the case of Sylvie, who came from Châteaumeillant with her 10-year-old son Loris.

“It’s the first time I’ve played with him. I usually go with him to his basketball practices and watch him. For parents, this device also allows our children to discover other sports, before they take a license in September. »

“In rural areas, people are more voluntary”

“Sport is a unifier, adds Gilles Pointereau, Mayor of Vesdun. Even if it’s a shame not to see more young people this morning (Saturday, editor’s note). It is often necessary to motivate them, smiles the chosen one. The city-stadium creates interaction. That’s why we plan to build one in the town soon. »
Next meeting for “J’vive le sport en famille”, on April 23, in Châteaumeillant, to discover badminton.

Practice. Accessible from 6 to 99 years old, Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Free. Information and registration at

Avril. April 23. Badminton, at the Châteaumeillant stadium. April 30. Athletics, at Culan Stadium.
May. May 7. Basketball, at the Châtelet stadium. May 14. Archery, at the Vesdun stadium. May 21st. Basketball, at the Châteaumeillant stadium. May 28. Badminton, at Culan Stadium. June. June 4. Athletics, at the Vesdun stadium. June 11. Archery, at the Châteaumeillant stadium. June 18. Badminton, at the Châtelet stadium.

Jeraud Mouchet


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