In Plérin this weekend, the badminton players live to the rhythm of Océane – Plérin

Badminton Plérinais is superstitious. So, when it came to composing the poster for its Océane 13 tournament, in April 2020, the team gave up the number 13, preferring 14. But luck did not smile on them, the 2020 edition having had to be canceled due to the pandemic. Like the one in 2021. But this time it’s the right one. Saturday April 16, at 8 a.m., the first of three intensive days of matches will take place on the floor of the hall… Océane.

30 paintings on the program

The men’s and women’s singles will open the proceedings, until at least 10 p.m. Sunday, we will continue with the women’s doubles and men’s doubles, on the same time slot. Monday, closing, place for mixed doubles, until 5 p.m.

“The thirty tables have been complete for a month and we had to refuse about forty players. Our Océane tournament has many assets: a global prize pool of more than €3,000, groups from departmental to national level, surprise events and a very family atmosphere,” underlines President David Gautier.

A bonus for tourism

Enough to move badminton players beyond the Great West. Who often come with family for three days, stay with friends, in hotels or in rentals. And even if the thirty volunteers who will pamper them on Océane 14.3 have planned everything to restore them, the club has noticed: “They will also go for a walk on the beach, visit, dine at the restaurant”. What a bonus for local merchants.


Catering open to all (drinks, sandwiches, salads, sausage patties, fries, vegetarian wraps).


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