“I am going to miss him very much”, Juan Felipe Cadavid mourns the death of Freddy Rincón in tears

A las 11:30 p. m. the legendary Freddy Rincón, former soccer player who scored the legendary goal of the Colombian National Team against Germany in the 1990 World Cup in Italy, said goodbye.

After several days of fighting in the most important match of his life, the ‘Colossus of Buenaventura’ decided to leave, leaving countless memories to those who today mourn him throughout the world.

The renowned journalist, Juan Felipe Cadavid, between tears, chatted with WEEK and remembered Rincón for all the moments they spent together, both as professionals and as friends. “We have had to face very hard wounds in recent times,” the communicator said at the outset.

Cadavid recalled the passage that the former soccer player had through the channel Win Sportswhere he shared thousands of moments with him. “Freddy was not an expressive person, but I was such a lambon and such a fan that I made him smile. I earned the loss of affection from one or another, but I have the most beautiful memory of that smile, ” assured.

“My first great memory was with the year 90 and for me the face of the National Team was Freddy (…) and having, after many years, the opportunity to sit down with him, and he would tell me all the infidelities of the Tricolor, and they will be memories and secrets that will remain in me. There was a complicity between him and me, ”he added.

Freddy Rincón is still hospitalized at the Imbanaco Clinic – Photo: Photo: Screenshot

“Freddy was one of the people who did not keep anything to himself in the media and messed with a person who is very loved in the country, who is James Rodríguez. He could be wrong, but he said what he felt and that brought him problems, “Cadavid added regarding the passage of the former player through the media.

The Colombian panelist also highlighted the importance of the ‘Colossus’ in the history of Colombian soccer, and not only for what was done with the National Team, but also for marking a legacy in his time in Europe. “The importance and magnitude of Rincón is immense. He was the first to arrive at Real Madrid. He was in the golden age of Napoli. If soccer magnitude is immense, ”he said.

For Cadavid, the greatest soccer memory he has of Rincón was his time with Corinthians, a Brazilian team with which he was world champion. “The greatest memory I have was with Corinthians in the Club World Cup”.

However, on the other hand, Cadavid told SEMANA the first moment he shared with Rincón, highlighting his way of being. “I ran into him at an airport and after a 30 minute chat, I let go and told him everything I felt about him and he just smiled at me and showed me those white teeth laughing his ass off.”

Finally, the renowned analyst said goodbye to Freddy with a heartfelt message and in tears he recalled all the moments he lived with him. “It went away very quickly. I only thank life that a couple of years put him next to me, to talk, to like your publications, “she said with a broken voice.

“I had a lot to talk about with him and with John Mario Ramírez. They were taken from me, I look forward to sitting down with them to talk,” she added.

It should be noted that Cadavid also dedicated a heartfelt message on his social networks to Rincón after his death after suffering a serious accident last Monday.

“Eternal idol, I have the peace of mind of having told you many times in life the admiration I have for you. I celebrated you as a child, I admired you as an adult and I had the blessing of sitting down many times to debate football with you. You leave your body, but you left me so many moments of glory and so many teachings that you will never leave my heart. COLOSSUS thank you for your friendship, what a fucking pain! I cry to you from the same place where very recently I also cried Jhonma’s departure, ”he wrote.


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