Hernán Darío Herrera statements on home run classification | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League

Atlético Nacional defeated América de Cali 2-0 and secured qualification for the semi-finals of the I-2022 League. By the way, the purslane regained the lead in the championship and now they are thinking of recovering players so that they all arrive in the best physical, technical and sporting conditions to face the final phase of the competition. Coach Hernán Darío Herrera highlighted the level of play, but they don’t relax.

“I want to acknowledge and thank the Nacional fans, it was a communion between the team. I haven’t seen the wave in the stands for a long time. We ratify the classification, but we are with our feet on the ground, we are going for the title. There were eight players from the youth teams on the court and that makes me very happy. You have to raise the level a lot to fight for the title. I have to put together a good team”, remarked the ‘Arriero’.

As for what is to come, Herrera pointed out that “the rotation depends on what the players show me. Many changes I made were due to fatigue. We have to recover players, Águilas is coming and we will try to have a mixed team”.

Regarding the team’s levels throughout the game, where in the first half it was very high and dropped for the complement, Hernán Darío said that “I was watching the Man. City match against Liverpool and there were high and low levels. It was the same in this game, hopefully we can maintain a high level, but that’s what we’re working on”.

In addition, “Nacional has played proposing in all the games, I want to give them that identity. We will change the structure depending on the rival, whoever comes here has to worry about us. We have to attack and propose”.

Finally, the interim coach spoke about the decision-making of the players, especially that of Dorlan Pabón, who in this game did not finish as much and was more supportive. “Dorlan makes good crosses, but as a forward, I talked to him and told him that not everything is hitting the ball, he is already thinking about teaming up more. We are building partnerships that are good for what Atlético Nacional is”.

Juan Camilo Alvarez Serrano
FUTBOLRED Correspondent
En Twitter: @juanchoserran8


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