He tries to steal a phone from her, but she is a judo expert [+VIDEO]

A robber picked the wrong victim

  • A man chose to steal the wrong person’s cell phone
  • He targeted a woman who was waiting for the taxi
  • He thought it would go smoothly, but it didn’t
  • In fact, she chased him and caught up with him
  • At that point he pinned him to the ground with a judo move until the police arrived

When deciding to steal, you should choose your victims better. This is what she understood about him despite a man who attempted to steal a woman’s cell phone, thinking it was child’s play. However she was an expert judo fighter and fiercely pinned him to the ground with a very professional move. It all happened in the Brazilian state of amazon. According to local media reports, the suspect tore off the woman’s phone while she was waiting for a taxi. At that point he ran off down the street, thinking he could escape.

However, the woman did not give up and chased himmanaging to reach him and to block him to the ground with a judo technique. She later held him like this until officers arrived to take him to the police station. In the video that went viral, the young heroine can be seen sitting quietly on the ground as she holds the suspect with a grip on her neck. The man is then handcuffed and the woman pushes him away from her in disgust. When she stands up the admired and ecstatic spectators applaud and cheer.

A similar event also occurred in 2018

However, it is not the first time that a thief in these parts has faced the wrong person. A similar incident had indeed occurred in 2018 when a man had tried to rob one jiujitsu fighter. The result? He had ended up crying on the asphalt, with his face on the ground. The incident took place in the Jorge Teixeira district of Manaus, also in Amazonas. Sabrina Leite, then 22, was standing in front of her house when two men on a motorcycle approached her. One of her two, later identified as Magdeel da Silva, 18, asked her to hand over his phone.

Read also: He tells the thieves to come back later: they do it and the police arrest them [+COMMENTI]

The girl said: “I could feel that they didn’t have any weapons, they just arrived saying ‘hand me the phone’. I saw that they had nothing and that’s why I reacted. If they had been armed I would never have reacted“. She then threw her phone into the house and chased after the suspect after he tried to escape. Meanwhile, her neighbor, who was driving by, stopped to assist her. “He chased him and caught up with him. Then I ran and pinned him with a dormant gripI lay down on the ground and put it in an arm block”.


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