Gym sports still very popular

Unorganized sports have a good popularity rating in the various municipalities of Lac-Saint-Jean, In Roberval and Saint-Félicien, so-called “gymnasium” sports attract many followers and the availability of rental hours is practically complete.

In Roberval, the City manages a few activities, such as badminton, tennis and pickleball. These sports attract a good clientele, especially since the start of the pandemic.

“We noticed, especially in times when group sports were prohibited, that many people turned to sports such as badminton or tennis. Especially in badminton, where our availabilities were regularly filled,” says the sports division coordinator in Roberval, Gabrielle Trottier.

But the sport of the hour is pickleball.

“It really is a sport that is growing in popularity. Currently, it is mainly a slightly older clientele who practice this sport, even if we occasionally see younger people. »

Gabrielle Trottier is delighted to see this slightly older clientele, since it is mainly young adults who rent gyms.

“Our clientele is mainly made up of people aged 25 and over. The elderly are a little less present these days, we feel that it is a more vulnerable and fearful clientele of the situation. »


In Saint-Félicien, the situation is quite similar. Net sports such as badminton, volleyball or tennis are quite popular. Ball hockey and pickleball also attract many athletes.

“Our trays are quite full, we have a lot of requests for unorganized sports. We are seeing a lot of enthusiasm at the moment, ”says the director of recreation for the City of Saint-Félicien, Maxime Fortin.

The latter notes that it is mainly the same people who continue, or start again, to rent gyms.

The municipality is also at a crossroads with regard to the use of its gymnasiums.

“For the moment, we are doing well in meeting demand, but we could run out of hours of availability. We recently launched a somewhat broader approach, including the community and cultural aspect. We want to do a good analysis of the demands of the population and what we have to offer them. Our goal is to eventually offer a better service offer to citizens. »


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