GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2022 – Try and join the best JUDO-CLUB omnisport of Marguerittes in the Gardtois omnisports

GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2022 – Try and join the best JUDO-CLUB omnisport of Marguerittes in the Gardtois omnisports

The 2022 general assembly will take place on Saturday May 14, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Marguerittes dojo

Daisies on April 6, 2022

Dear members, dear parents, dear friends,

First of all, I hope you and your loved ones are all healthy. This year, the health situation allows us to hold our general meeting face-to-face.

The Judo-Club Marguerittois is constituted as an association affiliated to the French Federation of Judo, Jiu-Jitsu and associated disciplines and to the French Federation of Omnisport Clubs. It is required by its statutes to organize an annual general meeting.

This body should not be convened only to complete a formality, it is an essential stage in the life of your association.

Beyond the verification of the accounts, their approval, it is she who collects the proposals of each, who synthesizes them to define the orientations.

In addition, the administrative, financial and sporting operation of your club depends on a team of volunteers who have demonstrated their dedication over the past 20 years. It pursues several objectives, one sportyby practice from judo but also sport for all and healthy sport, the other educational teaching practitioners of judo the moral principles of judo and life in society,

By your presence at the general meeting, you will attest to your support and your gratitude to your volunteer leaders and to the professor. It is for these reasons that I think you will want to be present on:

Saturday May 14, 2022 at 6 p.m.

In the premises of the judo club Dojo Taillefer in Marguerittes

Agenda :

1/ Moral report of the President.

2/ Teacher’s activity and sports report

3/ Treasurer’s Financial Report.

* Balance sheet and approval of the accounts for the 2021 financial year.

* Presentation of the 2022 provisional budget.

7/ Election of new members of the Steering Committee

8/ Miscellaneous matters.

Sincerely to all The President, Daniel DUVNJAK

NB: You are an adult member or legal representative of your child, as such you must be IMPERATIVEMENT present or represented at the general meeting in empowering to a person of your choice who is a member of the club and who will be present at the general assembly.

Please download from the club website https://judo-

– Reply and power coupon

– Declaration of candidacy for the position of member of the steering committee


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