Freddy Rincón part deeply critical doctor | football curiosities

On the morning of this Tuesday, there were many expectations about how the evolution of the former player of the Colombian National Team Freddy Rincón could follow, after carrying out several studies, to learn more about his situation, but the part of the medical chief Laureano Quintero, did not it is very encouraging.

“The Imbanaco Clinic, with the prior authorization of the relatives, is allowed to inform you that Freddy Eusebio’s condition continues to be deeply critical. The follow-ups, diagnostic tests, radiological studies and the clinical condition do not show a favorable evolution”.

He then added: “as we stated from the beginning, his condition and his criticality are extreme, the prognosis remains very reserved. We will continue with all the pertinent measures and it must be clear that the evolution is not favourable”.

In the end, he announced that they will continue to be informed of any news or evolution of Freddy: “in due course we will be reporting what is pertinent and we appreciate preserving the moderation in communications, out of respect for his dignity and that of his family.”

Juan Andres Arias Arias
Correspondent Futbolred Cali
On Twitter: @AriasJuan_15


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