Football / League 2: A show stopped at the two reds


First thirteen minutes of madness

Before this fateful 55th minute, the 3,406 spectators, who came to enjoy the sun around the green rectangle, were nevertheless able to admire some great footballing flights. The Auxerrois, infused for many months by the precepts of offensive play of Jean-Marc Furlan, settle in the Pau camp. Hamza Sakhi and Gauthier Hein, the two playmakers, constantly come between the two Pau centrals, cornered and back in their area. The right side Arcus finds himself abandoned by David Gomis, and has plenty of time to drop a center at the penalty spot. Kouassi extends his whole body to clear the head. Hein resumes at six meters and shoots a volley. Stefan Bajic diverts on Sakhi, who, from close, only has to score (1-0, 5th).

Picked cold, the Palois do not despair and immediately invest with great strides the Auxerre camp. Back in number 6, Sylvestre transmits to Koffi with a lobed pass. The right side finds Armand on the right side of the surface. The striker crosses back for Gomis who, embarrassed, cannot properly arm his strike. On the action that follows, the Bissau-Guinean international overflows on his left side and hands Quentin Daubin back in the axis. From 25 meters, slightly off center on the left, the Pau midfielder, author of a good start in his “box to box” style, asks no questions and fires a sublime shot which lands on the crossbar of Léon. The ball falls into the skylight (1-1, 11th), it is Quentin Daubin’s first goal in four years in Yellow and Blue.

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The euphoria is short-lived. Undisturbed, the Auxerrois find themselves in the 40 meters from Pau, decidedly positioned too low. Sakhi combines with Hein, 30 meters in the axis of the cages. The blue-haired torchbearer imitated Daubin from 30 meters, and triggered a sublime tense strike which ended its race in the right corner of Bajic (1-2, 13th). Two of the best goals of this 33rd day of Ligue 2 have just been scored in two short minutes.

A supposed penalty not whistled: the trigger

AJA fully justifies its 3rd place in Ligue 2, and continues its domination in the game. From right to left, in the axis, like a windshield wiper, the ball circulates and the Palois experience the greatest difficulty in recovering it . Playmaker Sakhi also goes there with his tense strike, at the entrance to the penalty area. Bajic covers his first post and lies down on the leather.

Opposite, the Pau are struggling to get clear chances. The break allows them to regain momentum but Auxerre is still dangerous by Autret this time: eccentric on his left side, the midfielder rolls up and looks for the opposite corner but Bajic deflects for a corner (49th). Repositioned a little higher on the ground, Eddy Sylvestre takes advantage of his technical ease to give the Icaun rearguard a few cold sweats. Number 12 collapses in the area, he claims a foul from Pellenard, but Mr. Petit does not flinch despite protests from Pau, a first hitch before the escalation of tensions.

The reds of despair

In midfield, the battle rages for the recovery of the ball. The Palois returned from the locker room with better intentions, determined to shake up Auxerrois who had been playing in an armchair until then. Sylvestre, coming back after this penalty not whistled in his favor, beefs up his game, he upsets Pellenard with a manly but correct tackle. The ball escapes, Hein’s turn to try to recover it with a sliding tackle. The Pau FC midfielder goes there with the sole of the crampon forward and touches him lightly, without completely stepping on his calf. The over-commitment is blatant. Certainly well helped by the gesticulations of Hein, Mr. Petit sees red, a first time… And a second time when Kouassi comes to protest then touch the shoulder of the referee to explain to him that he is wrong. The referee unleashes the lethal weapon a second time. The Ivorian may make great gestures by returning to the locker room, the Pau will evolve to 9 against 11 for the thirty-five minutes to follow destroying any hope of equalization or victory.

The rest of the match is obviously one-sided, falling into an attack – defense without any real interest. The men of Tholot, gathered in their camp and beaten down, conceded a 3rd and a 4th goal by Sinayoko (74th) and Joly (86th). They suffer a 6th defeat at home this season and still find themselves stuck at 42 points.


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