#FightLikeaGirl, the campaign that encourages girls to practice combat sports

(information.it – ​​press releases – sport)

#FightLikeaGirl, the campaign that encourages girls to practice combat sports is underway

The One Shot Agency campaign by Fijlkam starts today, chosen for its expertise in communication with Generation Z. The goal is to bring girls and girls closer to the disciplines of judo, wrestling, karate and martial arts and gender stereotypes

Milan, 11 April 2022 – Who said that judo, wrestling, karate and martial arts are “male” sports? The data speak for themselves, unfortunately in Italy there is a male preponderance (75%) of those who practice combat sports. But despite this evidence, the athletes are winning more and more medals. “Who would have thought” many will think, yet it is precisely from here that gender stereotypes regarding the practice of combat sports start, which too often alienate girls and girls from fascinating and educational disciplines such as judo, karate, fighting and martial arts.

The campaign moves from these considerations Fight Like a Girl promoted by
FIJLKAMthe Italian Federation of judo, wrestling, karate and martial arts, which, to better borrow its initiatives, has relied on the experience in Generation Z of
One Shot Agency, the Italian agency specializing in management and digital communication. The protagonists of the new social campaign are
four young talents part of the One Shot Agency roster:
Valeria Vedovatti, Roberta Zacchero, Jennifer Preda
ed Elena Sofia Picone.
Through theirs Instagram and TikTok profiles, influencers tell their community about the benefits of practicing sports such as judo, karate, wrestling or martial arts, making themselves bearers of all
positive values ​​of sports promoted by FIJLKAM. Each of them, with their own unique style and “tone of voice”, has engaged in the “fight” against stereotypes to motivate girls to try combat sports as a personal stimulus to improve themselves from every point of view. One Shot Agency devised the strategy and contents of the campaign whose hashtag, which also gives the project its name, is
#FightLikeaGirl. A project that therefore aims to encourage young women to practice new disciplines but above all to fight prejudices, and therefore raise awareness of stereotypes that are still too frequent in everyday language, from “Do you want me to open it?” to “You can’t compete with a man”.

“There are no men’s or women’s sports. There is sport and anyone can do it –
declares Massimiliano BenucciSecretary General FIJLKAM
For us, it is very important to spread the healthy values ​​of sport in its entirety, regardless of gender and from the culture of belonging. The Fight Like a Girl project was born from the desire to encourage female sports, and we are confident that the results will not be long in coming “.

“One Shot Agency has always been close to the new generations and their languages, with Fight Like a Girl we wanted to borrow a beautiful message we already believed in” Fight like a Girl! ”
declares Benedetta Balestri, Managing Director di One Shot Agency
– Our talents are thrilled to be able to work on the dissemination of this project in which they believe with conviction. As always we have left room for their individual creativity and together we have built a campaign that, we hope, will increase the registrations in the gyms of new promises of combat sports. “

A Fight Like a Girl have joined approx 250 gyms throughout Italyavailable on the
site by Fijlkam. The new members have at their disposal
two months free to be able to experience judo, wrestling, karate and martial arts, sports that boast Olympic champions such as
Viviana Bottaro e Maria Centracchio.

Profilo One Shot Agency

Founded in 2017, One Shot Agency is the Italian agency founded by Eugenio Scotto, Benedetta Balestri and Matteo Maffucci specialized in the field of talent management and digital and social communication. Focused on scouting and taking care of the image of young talents with a high creative potential (artists, influencers and creators of Tik-Tok), it develops innovative and unconventional ideas to grow its web stars, offering complete production support for the realization content and a 360 ° service for the communication and promotion of brands. With a portfolio of over 45 well-known names in the social scene, such as Elisa Maino, Gordon, Cecilia Cantarano, and a team of 26 people from different backgrounds and with experiences in the television, radio, music and events fields, One Shot Agency is in able to interpret the requests and needs of companies and facilitate dialogue with the new generations today.


The FIJLKAM on January 18, 2022 celebrated the 120th anniversary of its birth.

The Federation is made up of the Societies, Associations and Affiliated Bodies that carry out, without profit, the sports and promotional activities of our disciplines: judo, wrestling, karate, Ju Jitsu, Aikido and Sumo.


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