end of the 1st round, start of the 2nd round of the Playoffs

Who says third weekend of Playoffs says end of the first round and start of the second round! Some franchises are already on vacation, others will be soon, but TrashTalk Fantasy League players will still be on the run. And precisely, so that the marathon continues in the best conditions, here is the important information to have in mind a few hours before this famous switch between two laps.

While the madness of the NBA Playoffs will complete its first two weeks and its first round, the TTFL top picks are linked at a much slower speed than the carrots. No wonder, management is required from the first days to avoid getting stuck in the water in a few weeks, when the premiums will no longer be available. And in this search for the right strategy, a question has been coming up insistently for the past few hours:

How does the TrashTalk team get so bad at their own game?

When will the first round of the TTFL Playoffs end?

A simple and legitimate question for a situation not so complicated as that, after all. That being said, the answer we are going to give you contains two options. Indeed, everything will depend on the meeting this Friday evening, between the Grizzlies and the Wolves in Minnesota.


  • Premier cas de figure > the Grizzlies win against the Wolves and qualify at the same time for the second round. Therefore, all NBA series in the first round have given their verdict. Starting on Sunday, the Bucks – Celtics game will launch the Conference semi-finals in the Playoffs, and it will also mark the start of the second round of the TTFL team Playoffs.
  • Second scenario > the Wolves beat the Grizzlies, the score is therefore 3-3 in the series, ball in the center and direction Memphis for Game 7 on Sunday evening. Which means we’ll be off to one more night in the first round of the TTFL Tag Team Playoffs, with both games (Bucks-Celtics at 7 p.m., Wolves-Grizzlies at 9 p.m.) to take into account. The second round of the TTFL Playoffs would then begin on Monday with the evening picks.

It will therefore be necessary to redouble ingenuity and luck to better control the situation. Will you have a keen nose both on your pick and on the team that will qualify to keep as many options open as possible? Are you going to take off tonight by assuming the risk of a disappointment on Sunday? Honestly, we wonder who came up with the idea of ​​a game like that where we tear our hair out all year long (look at Alex…).

Either way, one thing to remember. Victory for the Grizzlies tonight will mean a second round, defeat for the Grizzlies tonight will mean meeting on Sunday for a final qualifying evening for the TTFL Conference semi-finals, with the two games that will be part of the first round. To your decks!


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