Easter Sunday, in Pizjuán

The Real Madrid lands in the heart of the neighborhood of Nervion, to Sevillein full Sunday from Resurrection. And this is precisely what the Sevilla fans of his team expect. The resurrection with a local triumph would bring it closer to 9 points and could leave the Barça (who has one game less) at 6, with 15 to play yet.

Dard a Xavi

But before that, Carlo Ancelotti he appeared at a press conference where he was asked about Xavi’s words” class=”link copy”>Xavi in which he stated that the Barcelona it’s the hardest team to coach because it’s required to win and play well. Questioned by the words of Barça, Carletto he replied with his usual fine irony: “I will answer with a question. What is good play? It will be one thing for everyone. For me, playing well is attacking well … and defending well. These days I have heard many things about the approach of theAthletic a Manchester. For me he has defended very, very well. He could have done more with the ball, but he did very well on defense. Did he play well?

The Madrid up to nerve sense Mendy nor Marcelo on the left side, who will cover Nacho. But they will be there Benzema and the aforementioned Nacho, who ended up very touched against him Chelsea. In front will be the Sevillathe best club in the league, which has not lost in the Pizjuan, and the least scored. Lopetegui recovers Coins i Delaneybut still low Suso, Fernando i Rekik. It will be the penultimate white outing against direct rivals, as he will still have to visit the Metropolitan. Ancelotti has made clear his goal: “We have to add up.” But he has not commented on whether he will play well …


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