Draymond Green cash on Kevin Durant fiasco against Celtics

Draymond Green and the Warriors are rocking their series against the Nuggets, so the inside is watching all the other games in these playoffs. He was obviously very surprised by the level of Kevin Durant against the Celtics, and he gave a cash opinion on the situation of his former teammate.

The relation between Kevin Durant et Draymond Green is quite complex and fuzzy for people outside the NBA microcosm. Indeed, it is said that the two former teammates would not be the greatest friends in the world, and for some, a huge argument between them would be at the origin of the departure of KD in the summer of 2019. It must be admitted that Draymond never hesitates to say what is wrong with his partners, which can irritate in the long run.

But beyond the rumors, these champions still appear teasing each other, like old friends. For example, when Kevin Durant went viral for an embarrassing photo this season, the soul of the Warriors took his microphone and badly mocked his former teammate in his podcast. Whatever their relationship, there is no doubt that they follow each other’s exploits.

Draymond Green puts the blame on Steve Nash

And on these playoffs, they could not be in more opposite dynamics. One leads 3-0 in his series and is unanimously praised for his defense and his energy, while the other is down 2-0 and is going through a rather unusual crisis. In his show on the YouTube channel “The Volume”, the interior of Golden State drew up a cash report on the difficulties encountered by Kevin Durant against the Celtics.

The Celtics defended extremely well on Kevin Durant. K was never able to find his rhythm and I was so surprised that Steve Nash was getting the ball back to him so often. The defenders ran into him from the middle line and he struggled a lot with this pattern. Afterwards, I don’t think he will be bad in the next game. We can slow it down, not stop it for a whole series.

But in the first two games the defense was monstrous, there were players on him coming from all sides, all his shots were defended by two guys. Now I expect the Nets to play him more off the ball, so he can take rhythmic shots from the free throw line or from 45 degrees. When this is the case it is unplayable.

For Draymond Green, the fault would not only be on Kevin Durant, since he is not necessarily the one who decided to go up the ball on each possession. Steve Nash must find alternatives and above all systems to allow his No. 7 to take simple shots, in rhythm, without necessarily being pressured by two or three defenders. Reply this Saturday, to see if any adjustments have been made.

Kevin Durant is just a shadow of himself on this series against the Celtics, but according to Draymond Green, there would be a very simple way to to put back in the direction of travel: Steve Nash must allow him to take single shots from his zones predilection.


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