Drammeh and Gardner, doubt until the last moment for the derby with Cadí

Drammeh and Gardner, doubt until the last moment for the derby with Cadí

Grief must pass. Yes or yes. Letting him do it is dangerous. You can make a ball and then it costs more to swallow. Spar Girona has been hit twice in a row. It’s so recent that overcoming it isn’t done that way. The defeat in Europe was accompanied by the defeat in the final of the Copa de la Reina, always with Perfumerías Avenida as a rival. To stop the blow, at least two victories came: Campus Promete and Estudiantes. No shine, but effective. And in the League, the only competition in which Uni still has something to say. “It simply came to our notice then. It’s up to us to recover the sensations and the image that we always want to give, being a team with rhythm, intensity, success and that offers a colorful game “. Laura Antoja, a bag of experience, knows what she’s talking about. The dressing room would do well to listen to her and follow her advice to the letter. Starting today, it’s time for a derby.

The season has yet to write a few chapters and Spar Girona wants to be one of the main protagonists. With the playoffs getting closer, the first goal is to face it from a privileged position. The second, catch the final and once there, win. No matter how much he skated recently. “It simply came to our notice then. We forget the Cup. There is a league and now we are winning the matches, which is the most important thing, “said Antoja. This evening, from a quarter to nine, I return to receive the Cadí-La Seu. For now, the team that is one step above the standings, but that, with two more games on their particular counter. “It’s a derby and we’re really looking forward to it. It will be an intense duel and we will enjoy it.

Touched emotionally, Alfred Julbe’s team must also fight against another obstacle that is making him squirm. It has casualties and not a few. First, the confirmed ones. Frida Eldebrink finished the Cup with a trauma to her left foot that caused her a bone injury. She is discarded and has two or three weeks left to wait. Nor does Michaela Onyenwere, who tested positive for coronavirus and was unable to play last weekend. Now, time for the questions. Rebekah Gardner has suffered an injury to his right knee and his discomfort has prevented him from playing lately, while Bintah Drammeh has suffered an overload on his Achilles tendon. Both, however, could arrive on time and dress short today. Because their evolution is “very good” and according to Antoja “we will see until the last moment if we take the step of incorporating them or if they have to rest for another day”. So one of them, or even both, have options available.

Postponed to mid-February, the derby is finally played this evening in Fontajau and will feature a special guest. Júlia Soler from Banyoles, loaned by Uni to Cadí-La Seu, will step on the floor but will do so as a visitor. Who will not be there instead is Irati Etxarri. The international and most prominent part of the team suffers from a problem with the ligaments of his ankle, so it is ruled out.


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