Deputies and senators at the bedside of the lifeguards – Chronicle

What is the current situation of Italian seaside businesses? What are the future prospects of the sector following the reform of state-owned concessions?

These are some of the issues that will be discussed today from 10 at the conference organized by the national Sib-Fipe and Confcommerci Rimini. Title: “The reform of state-owned concessions for the future of seaside businesses”. The national president of the Sib, Antonio Capacchione, also participates in the confrontation between the representatives of the seaside businesses and the politicians. The conference will begin at ten and will be held in the provincial Confcommercio Auditorium, in Viale Italia, in the baseball stadium area. The meeting, moderated by the editor-in-chief of Mondo Balneare, Alex Giuzio, will see the opening of the proceedings by the mayor of Rimini, Jamil Sadegholvaad and the president of Confcommercio of the province, Gianni Indino.

This will be followed by the interventions of the national president of Sib-Fipe, Antonio Capacchione, the councilor for tourism of the Emilia Romagna Region, Andrea Corsini “and senators and parliamentarians of the territory – announces Confcommercio – for a comparison on the state of the art of the state-owned reform and on the prospects it opens towards seaside businesses “. Senator Stefano Collina will be present for the Democratic Party, Senator Marco Croatti for the 5 Star Movement, Jacopo Morrone for the Lega, Senator Antonio Barboni for Forza Italia.

The conference also includes the intervention of the regional president of Silb-Fipe, Simone Battistoni who will close the proceedings with a more specific focus on local issues. To participate it is necessary to book via email: [email protected]


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