Cue Health Inc. (HLTH) Market Price Of $6.02 Gives Appearance Of Exciting Value Play Stocks Register

Let’s start with Cue Health Inc. (HLTH) stock price current which is at $6. 51 to be exact. The stock rose briskly to $6.00 during the last session from an opening price of $6.00

. while the lowest price achieved was $6. 30 before closing at $6. 40. Recently in the News April 1, 2022, Cue Health and Major League Baseball expanded their league-wide testing partnership for the season. Cue Health was drafted to be the presenting sponsor of MLB’s Friday Night Baseball Games on Apple TV+. You can read more details here

Price records, which include history of low and high prices over a 51-week period, can tell a lot about the stock’s current status and future performance. Currently, Cue Health Inc. shares are logging -62.20% during the 52 week period from the high price and -1.62% higher than the lowest price point for the same time frame. The price range of the stock for the 51 week period managed to keep the performance between $6. 22 and $22.92 .

Shares of the company, which operates in the healthcare sector, managed to surpass a trading volume of around 8217 for the day, which was obviously higher when compared to the shares’ average daily volume.

In terms of the year-to-date metrics, the market performance recorded by Cue Health Inc. (HLTH) was -49.92%, having the revenues -45.61% on a quarterly basis in comparison to the same period last year. At the time of writing, the total market value of the company is estimated at $690,690. M as it employs a total of 2022 workers.

Market Experts Join Cue Health Inc. (HLTH)

During the last month, 0 analysts gave the Cue Health Inc. a BUY rating, 0 of the polled analysts branded the stock as an OVERWEIGHT, 0 analysts were recommending to HOLD this stock, 0 of them gave the stock UNDERWEIGHT rating, and 0 of the polled analysts gave the stock SELL rating down.

According to the data provided on, the company’s 100-day moving average became

fixed. ., noting a price change -3.45. Similarly, Cue Health Inc. posted a movement of -30.92% for the period of the last 92 days, recording 690,690 in trading volume.

The total debt to equity (D/E) ratio can also provide valuable insight into the financial health and market status of the company. Leverage can be calculated by dividing a company’s current total debt by its equity. Debt to equity is thus a valuable metric that describes the debt used by the company to support assets that correlate with the value of equity. Debt to equity ratio for HLTH is 0.

at the time of writing this article. In addition, the long-term debt-to-equity ratio is set at 0. 00

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Cue Health Inc. (HLTH) Technical Breakdown

Cue Health Inc. raw stochastic average over the last 43 days is set to 2. 03% The result represents a downgrade in contrast to the raw stochastic average for the period of the last 03 days recording 2.92%. In the last 10 days, the company’s stochastic %K was 6.30% and its stochastic %D was recorded 6.90%.

Considering Cue Health Inc.’s recent performance, several moving trends can be noted. The year-to-date performance of the company’s shares seems encouraging given that the metric is recording -45.92%. The shares are up around -7.92% on the 7-day charts and up –


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