Controversy over photo of James Rodríguez with Juanes: where is he during his injury? | football curiosities

James Rodríguez is news even when he doesn’t mean to. In fact, especially when he didn’t want the spotlights on his head.

The Colombian is one of Al-Rayyan’s absences due to a physical problem that the club itself confirmed: “It was confirmed that he had a new injury to the anterior muscle of his left leg (first-degree tear), for which he will be absent for a few 3 weeks,” the team said.

The truth is that he does not play with his club and has not acted since March 5. And that, considering he is the most expensive player on the roster, is cause for concern.

But a photo of a celebrity raised a new question: where was the 10 while his team beat Al Hilal 2-0 for the Asian Champions?

Unanswered question… or maybe yes. The player appeared in the last hours with the artist Juanes, wearing a backpack that gives the feeling of going on a trip. The man from Antioquia tells him in his message: “Chimba to see you again !!”. And the footballer replies: “Great Juan, how cool to see you again, see you soon”.

The followers of the two famous Colombians wonder: Did they see each other as Juanes says or will they see each other soon as James says? Where was the photo taken? What treatment is followed for his injury? Do you allow him to be away from his current club?

The questions multiply after the rumors about his apparent decision to inform the club that he wants to leave as soon as possible, in fact in the next market, and the apparent work that his agent would already do to find a club. Did he attend an appointment related to that topic and did he meet Juanes?

The last publication of the artist was at a music festival in Costa Rica, three days ago. But it is known that he lives in Miami, where James’s daughter and sister also live. Is he on US soil? To what end? Most likely nothing is officially known… for now.


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