Berlin State Secretary Radziwill: Commission on expropriations also works without experts from the initiative – Berlin

The commission of experts set up by the Senate on the subject of expropriation of large housing companies should also start work if the initiative “Expropriate German housing & co.” does not send any representatives.

“This process has started and this process will also be continued,” said State Secretary for Tenant Protection Ülker Radziwill of the daily newspaper “taz” (Monday). The initiative is also responsible to those who voted for the referendum. “Like the administrations, she had a hundred days to think about who to send to the commission,” said the SPD politician.

“There are many unanswered questions, so it makes sense that an expert committee should deal with these questions,” said Radziwill. “I hope that the initiative will participate in this.”

Before Berlin, no other federal state and no other municipality had implemented such a socialization. “So the message to us was: Check out the possibility! That is the task of the commission of experts.”

The initiative wants to decide on this in an internal plenary session on Tuesday evening and announce the results at a press conference on Wednesday morning.

The Commission is to present a recommendation on how to proceed

Regarding the result of the referendum at the end of September, in which more than 59 percent of voters voted for the expropriation of large housing companies, Radziwill said: “I can understand very well that many used this as an opportunity to say, ‘This is how it works it no further. They want there to be no rising rental price spiral.”

The commission of experts, headed by the former Federal Minister of Justice Herta Däubler-Gmelin (SPD), is to advise whether an expropriation law would be constitutional and make sense in terms of housing, and present the Senate with a recommendation on how to proceed in just under a year.

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Most commission members were nominated by different Senate administrations. Most of them are state and constitutional lawyers from all over Germany.

The initiative “Deutsche Wohnen & Co. expropriate” is to nominate three members, which recently left open whether it was willing to do so. Previously, she had demanded – unsuccessfully – to be allowed to propose 59 percent of the members. (dpa)


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