(Basketball A1), two teams in difficulty


The Trento Brindisilive of the BLM Group Arena will play the Trento Brindisilive on Saturday 9 April at 18:00, in the program of the 26th day of the Serie A1 basketball championship 2021-2022. Dolomiti Energia, which has finally closed the path in a bad Eurocup this week, has clearly lost on the Brescia parquet (which has happened to almost everyone for some time) and is out of the playoff area.

To get back on track he needs to win also hoping for a slowdown in the other teams: among them, Happy Casa, which started the season with the aim of having a very different ranking at this point, but is now eighth after losing. at home against Varese last Sunday and seriously risks losing the postseason. As a result, it will be a tricky match to watch it unfold; while we wait for it to start, let’s try to make quick assessments on the main themes of the live broadcast of Trento Brindisi.


There will be no live broadcast from Trento Brindisi on our television: the only way to see the images of this match is to subscribe to the Discovery Plus platform, which this season has become the official broadcaster of the Basketball League and therefore makes all of them available. competitions in live streaming video. We also remind you that you can visit the Lega website, www.legabasket.it, at any time to obtain all relevant information, including live play-by-play scoreboard and boxscore.


As a result, we are approaching the live of Trento Brindisi: a very intriguing match, as mentioned above, because these two teams played in the playoffs last year, but now they have to accept that they will not be able to repeat it performance, which was successful for L ‘ Aquila since the promotion year. So far it has been a strange season for both of you: you started well, you finished in the top four of the standings, but then you were conditioned by the European path, which was not particularly successful in both cases, but it took away precious energy that would have could have been used to fight. league best Both rosters seemed to have too many holes; The Happy Casas roster had already added D’Angelo Harrison a few weeks ago, but not even the leader of last season was able to avoid Varese’s internal knockout.

Trento, on the other hand, had an almost unreal Eurocup for how badly it went: one wonders if participating in the ECA tournament was not a chore from the beginning, with the not-so-subtle aim of avoiding the second round. of final. Sure, these are accusations that need to be addressed, but the team’s journey to Eurocup speaks for itself; now in the league the compass has been slightly lost, beyond the defeat of Brescia, which, as mentioned above, is almost obvious in this period, and we must immediately find our bearings, also because the debate on salvation is not entirely closed…



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