Baseball: Wild Farmers Dohren – Game German best Bundesliga club – sports mix

Baseball: Wild Farmers Dohren – Game German best Bundesliga club – sports mix

A traffic light, a Deutsche Post briefcase, the last issue of “Zum alten Dorfkrug” is 15 years old. Nevertheless, there is top-class sport in the 1,247-inhabitant village of Dohren, 50 km south-west of Hamburg. For eight euros you can attend the home game of the Wild Farmers Dohren in the 1st league. SPORT PICTURES The most popular German soccer players in the Olympic sports department are also in Lower Saxony. Dohren plays against the untouchable Paderborn. 200 showers yes. Free bicycle parking directly behind the casinos included. For 3.50 euros there is a brewery with beer – German flair with US sports baseball.

The club was founded in 1991, but members are fans of the Indiana of Cleveland movies. Bernd Sievers (49) is also a former baseball boss and another active member of the club. Sievers: “It’s a cool film. By the way, we had to go to Hamburg, we had to go to Hamburg and we have a couple of balls, a keel and handcuffs. We want to play baseball.”

Photo: Christian Spreitz

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Dohrens pitcher Iwan Galkin (r.) Throws the ball. In the background the typical American advertisingFoto: Christian Spritz

Without financial support in the Landesliga Hamburg, all the basic building blocks were built on their own property, from the clubhouse to the playground.

The Club Chef: “We just noticed that at the time. The most important thing, but not with us for more than two years.”

Mistake! Writing for writing works of Wild Farmers. In 2010, the Bundesliga team was promoted to the Bundesliga of the big litters. As the underdog, the Wild Farmers are targeting the players, but they’re just outside the stands. The village club is now established on the German baseball map and will fight for the playoffs every year.

Through a handy local sponsor and a small donor there is a donation with a season of around 35,000 euros in the league area. If the button has 100 members, the game company works smoothly from ticket sales to sausages.

But even US bailiffs are not allowed to do this in the baseball league stands. For a maximum of 400 euros you can play for two months with the US Boys in the village every year. For little money there are free overnight stays in a friendly club including meals and a bicycle rental. You can find a player on the internet on the internet platform.

Sievers: “The best want to go back to college and fulfill their dream of becoming a professional athlete.” You must have been responsible beforehand, you were valued. Other things don’t work.” Anthony Vlahovic (24) from Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and Cody Nisbet (23) from San Ramon (California) are playing in Dohren this season. We ask ourselves what content we play – everything else we always want to realize because we are in the village. Here’s the land of home run in the next acre. Maize is currently being grown there. Nisbet: “I come from a big city and it’s really a shock. i saw this thing But I like the family environment. It’s unique. “

Photo: Christian Spreitz

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With the posters in the dossier for the Wildbauern Bundesliga gameFoto: Christian Spritz

The import players also have to buy in the package: The youth teams train and also knit. There is only one season in the region. Find love too – you are leading player Edvardas Matusevicius (30). Lithuanian is a place to live from Vilnius to Dohren, play baseball. He is in love with viewer Mareike and has remained until today. June is the highest time. An ordinary dog ​​was killed.

Matusevicius: “If I were right, I couldn’t make peace, but I will be able to stay. But you never know what’s going to happen in life.” “Now the Lithuanian is no longer a guest player. He is fully integrated into the team members from Dohren’s own events and plays from their environment.


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