Al Khelaïfi proposes an opening ceremony in the Champions League

Nasser Al Khelaifi, president of PSG and the European Club Association (ECA), has granted an interview to The Athletic in which he has compared the Champions League final with the Superbowl final and has proposed a reform of the European Cup in which the opening match is a ceremony between the champion and a great team.

What I suggested was that there be a Champions League opening ceremony, that there be a match on the opening night where the winner plays against a big team; maybe not a good idea, but at least we challenge the status quo. Each match must be an event and entertainment,” acknowledged the PSG president in The Athletic regarding the modern vision he has of the Champions League.

He also had words for the Superbowlwhose final he compared with that of the European Cup, considering the maximum continental club competition as an event superior to that of the NFL: “The Champions League final should be something bigger. I can’t understand how the Super Bowl can seem bigger than the Champions League final. The Super Bowl, and America in general, has this spirit, creativity and entertainment.”


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