AHTA trusts more classifieds – El Sol de Hidalgo

Oldair Zamora Nava, president of the Hidalgo Archery Association (AHTA), is confident that a dozen archers will achieve minimum marks for the Conade National Games, shortly before the last filter of the discipline.

And it is that, according to the leader, there were few goalkeepers who achieved the minimum mark in the first technical control of the entity, in which only the athletes who train in Pachuca met.

However, with the passage of training, there were exponential increases in at least a third of athletes, while in another part of the selected ones, they found just enough to pass the minimum marks.

“There were cases in which the boys were one or two points short of the minimum that Conade asks of us, but these last training sessions took more shape, and far exceeded, because they shoot between 40 and 60 units above what was agreed” he declared.

In addition, Zamora Nava explained that there is the possibility that a dozen fencers will join the multidisciplinary fair, since there is still time for one last emotional lift in the face of control.

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“It is less than a week that we have to work, but we hope that the results will go up. We also hope that there will be weather conditions similar to those of these last dates, in which the wind does not greatly influence the final results and we will achieve the highest number of places in the last phase of the fair, ”he said.


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